Did you notice that your baby gives you signs that is hungry before she start to cry?
She turns a head , opens her mouth, put her tongue and snivel...
When you spend some of the time with her you will see notice that. So you can offer your baby to eat even before she start to cry.
All the babies are born with instinct that helps her to eat. You have notice this:
1. Baby is turning her head locking for the breast.
2. Mother gives a baby her breast, baby is opening her mouth when she touch with cheek the breast and hold the breast in her mouth.
Why the breasfeeding is so important?
When the baby suckle it helps that mothers breasts produce more milk. As sooner you give your breast to your baby sooner and faster you will produce more milk. If you can not feed your baby after a labor it does not meter. With a little help and self-confidence you will have milk even if you have stopped to breastfeed some of the time. Even a mothers that have adopted babies can breastfeed if they are persistent.
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What about size of breasts? Is that important?
NO. If a woman wants to breastfeed her baby, she will. Every breast is good.
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How does the breastfeeding start?
Every woman after birth can breastfeed her baby. After the birth of baby mothers breasts start to produce milk for her baby. This happens always. It does not matter if it is a natural birth or cesarean.
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Do we need more calories when we breastfeed?
You need good food because of your health. You need to be first in the house to eat. You need 500 calories more than usual. That means two pieces of bread or other food. Different kind of food like vegetables, fruits, milk products, meat…
Drink a lot of liquid (water, juice…)
Drink a lot of liquid (water, juice…)
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When does babies need more than milk?
When baby is six months old. Slowly you can give your baby new solid food. It is desirable to continue with mother’s milk until second birthday.
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Does the baby need tee and water?
During first six months NO.
Tee, water, artificial milk, sweet water, juice… any of this drinks reduce production of milk in breasts.
Tee, water, artificial milk, sweet water, juice… any of this drinks reduce production of milk in breasts.
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Can every women breastfeed her baby?
Majority of womens can, but unfortunately there are many usual habits that are dangering breastfeeding. Separation of mother and baby after labor, feeding by the clock, feeding with bottle (with artificial milk), tee or any other liquid, are usual practice that bring us to problems with reduction of milk in breasts.
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Adapted milk (formulas)?
Artificial milk that you can buy in pharmacy cannot replace mother’s milk even if they are made with most modern scientific method. They do not have protection for child to defend from infection. Even if manufacture could make that kind of milk, it is not good for all babies. Only mother milk can protect her baby.
The nature knows best.
The nature knows best.
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Breastfeeding, lets start
Did you breastfeed your kids? I did. The people say that it is natural and easy. However, facts saying that it is hard. Many yang mothers are angry and sad because they do not know what to do and how to do it.
I was lucky to know how to breastfeed. Sins my first child I am trying to help other mothers to help them to find answers to questions.
First important fact is:
If there is a will, there is a way.
You should remember this forever.
Why is important to breastfeed?
It is the best way to feed your baby so that it can grow as a healthy child. Mother milk is more worth that any copy of it that you can buy. It is ideal for your baby.
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My 3 cesarean
When I talk about my pregnancy and the fact that I had tree SC (cesarean) first question is why.
My first pregnancy was easy but my baby was not in good position and Dr told me that is best for the baby to do a surgery.
Second time it was just because I had first.
The third one was because I had bleeding and very hard pregnancy. I will write details other time.
The truth is that I am not satisfied because I didn't have natural labor with my kids.
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I Love you (my child)
Our grandmothers and grandfathers, our parents and some of us have bean teach with less trouble, effort and fear than we do today with our kids. The kids were healthy or sick, fed or hungry, nursed or not, it all depended of economic possibility and education of parents. In that time parents thought that it was enough if their children have food, roof above heads, education and that that is sufficient to be proof of their love.
About feelings they have talked a little, or not at all. Proverb was: “You shall kiss your children when they are slipping.” And that was common.
Today most of parents know that it is good to talk about feelings. It is good to say: “I love you”, “I care for you”, but also:”I am tired”, I am feeling lonely”…
Evan if your baby is small, if she does not understand anything or maybe shi is not born yet , try to learn to express your feelings because that will help her to express herself too one day.
If you think that your baby doesnt understand jet, tomorrow is big sufficient to realize alone, and day after tomorrow that is grown and clever to know that all that is a fact you will never talk with language of feelings.
Do not be scared that much love and emotions can hurt. Because of all of this, do not forget to say to your child, before it goes to slip that you love it.
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Something about me
I have so many things to say to all of you, about pregnancy about babies everything ... But may brain is blocked. It will be much easier to write if only someone ask any Q.
Maybe if I tell something about me it chould be good start. I am 33 years "old" women. Married, as I have already told you I have three kids, boy and two girls. I have experience of three pregnancy... Is it little? Two of them were easy but 3rd one was hard. All have finished with surgery SC. For now I am at home with them. Hope to find job soon. Living in Europe, in Serbia. That is one of the exYU republic.
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The mommy test - story
The Mommy Test
I was out walking with my then 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her mouth. I asked her not to do that."Why?"
"Because it's been laying outside and is dirty and probably has germs."
At this point, she looked at me with total admiration and asked,
"Wow! How do you know all this stuff?"
"Uh," I was thinking quickly...everyone knows this stuff. "Um, it's on the Mommy test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mommy."
We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information.
"I get it!" she beamed. "Then if you flunk, you have to be the Daddy."
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Hello to all moms of the world. I will try to share with you all that I know about children.
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